Water is something we need on a daily basis. We drink it, cook with it and use it to clean our homes. It keeps the body healthy and strong, and is a private matter. But have you ever thought about how the water ends up in those bottles we drink out o...
VAATA ROHKEMU Tech cares about Mother Nature and the environment. NatARIOS: To contribute in protecting nature when using special machines that bottle water. These water bottling machines are not your average bottling machine, they're designed to be more sustain...
VAATA ROHKEMHave you ever noticed that a can of soda always tastes the same regardless of where you drink it? This is really interesting! This is due to companies relying on a special CSD filling machine. These machines do a lot of work to ensure that each can o...
VAATA ROHKEMHave you ever considered how the oil makes its way into those containers you see at gas stations and stores? And it’s such a fascinating, interesting process! For they are the work of special machines known as lube oil filling machines, such as those...
VAATA ROHKEMWhen we drink soda, we want it to taste the same every time we take a sip. Think if you open up a bottle of soda and it tastes different than the last one you had! That would be some sort of surprise and not so nice. U Tech liquid filling machin...
VAATA ROHKEMSick of bottling your own chili sauce? It is not a small task and it is time-consuming, particularly when you have multiple bottles to fill in. Hence U Tech has developed Automatic Hot Chili Sauce Bottle Filling Machine. With this machine, you can fi...
VAATA ROHKEMLike how does the cooking oil that you use in your kitchen arrive inside all those tiny bottles? It’s not magic! For this purpose, there is a particular machine known as an oil bottle filler that can assist you. U Tech has recently developed new mach...
VAATA ROHKEMU Tech Automatic 3L Engine Oil Filling and Capping Machine — A Unique and Real-Time Machine It is intended to greatly ease the task of filling and closing bottles. For businesses running high volume of engine oil, this rinsing filling capping ma...
VAATA ROHKEMTere, poisid ja tüdrukud! Kas teie vahuveini – sooda, vahuvesi, energiajook – on saadaval plastpudelites, mida ei villita kunagi? See on päris huvitav! Täna räägin teile, mis on lemmikloomade pudelid ja miks need on teie ...
VAATA ROHKEMTegelikult tuleb seda mineraalvett toota meie tervisele puhtal ja ohutul viisil. U Techil on ainulaadsed masinad, mis täidavad ja korgivad täpselt mineraalvee pudeleid. Täitmis- ja korkimismasinad: miks peaksite kasutama U Tech Classi täitmis- ja korkimismasinaid ...
VAATA ROHKEMKui teil on pood, mis müüb mineraalveepudeleid, siis teate, kui palju vaeva on vaja nende pudelite klientide jaoks pakendamiseks. Iga pudel tuleb täita veega ja sulgeda korgiga, mis on äärmiselt aeganõudev. See võib olla aeglane ja...
VAATA ROHKEMNiisiis, kuhu me tuleme, U Techis: ajendades teid asju kiiresti ja lihtsalt tegema? See on selgitus, miks meil on ka teatud masinad, mis täidavad peaaegu kõiki vedelikke. Alates nõudepesuvahendist, pesupesemisvahendist ja šampoonist kuni õlini...